
Bellevue, Michigan
United States

In 1998 I became a stay at home dad and after a couple years when the kids became a little bigger.. I asked my father if I could have his old Delta 2 speed scroll saw as he bought a new one. He was thrilled to give me the old saw so he could stop tripping over it in his small shed / workshop. He warned that the saw wasn't working correctly as it was worn out.  


Anyway after bringing the saw home ( 1998 ) and finally months (1999 - 2000) later after getting some saw blades for it.. I turned it on and tried sawing a 2 x 4 in half.. ( yeah right a scroll saw isn't a tool to cut 2x4's with as it's more for fine detail work in thin materials ).. Getting frusterated after 5 minutes of cutting and not even half way through the 2 x 4 I turned it off and threw the saw under the workbench.  


Fast forward to late November 2006 on a cold snowy night.. I was looking for something creative to do.. and got to thinking about my father ( he had passed away in 2003 ).. I started looking online about scroll saws and started reading how to use them.. I sort of knew what could be done as I had seen my father saw things, but at the same time I didn't know anything, LOL


I come across a site that a person was turning peoples photos into wood photos using a scroll saw.. that got me to thinking.. My wifes cousin had passed in Feb 2006 at 26 years old.. she had cystic fibrosis. I wanted to make my aunt a picture of her. So I brought the old saw in the house and set it up on top of our old chess freezer ( while my wife was at work of coarse :)  ) and practiced a few cuttings. With lots of trial and error ( mostly error ) I was finally learning to use the saw. So I bought some thin boards at a local lumber store and started playing around with making templates of my cousin.. 


I ended up making the portrait of my wifes cousin and nobody knew it until Christmas when there was a surprise gift under the tree for aunt. They all asked me where I had that made.. EVERYONE LOVED IT! and of coarse many with tears..  My kids spoke out before I could say where I got it.. ( Dad made it with grampas old saw) 


Over the next few years I had made everyone Christmas / Birthday gifts etc.. Finally a couple years later I made a tribute portrait of my father or all my ( 6 ) brothers and myself. Everyone kept saying that I should sell my crafts.. finally after a few more years I put a few things online to sell.. Didn't really get real involved with selling until 2014.  


Thank you for reading my Scroll Sawing Story, Check back often..


Ornament was just as pictured!
Product was just as expected!
A perfect ornament for the healthcare worker in your life!
Really gorgeous and well made. Exceeds expectations.
Purchased as a stocking stuffer/x-mas gift. Looks great and will be happy to have on my tree for years to come. My husband is ATC for the Army, and there are a load of pilot-related items around, but not many ATC-related items so was very happy to come across this.
The ornament is perfect for my woodworking son. Arrived nicely packaged and ready to gift. Thanks.
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